Safeguarding Policy
We are privileged to have a great team that serves our children, young people and vulnerable adults here at Jubilee Church Hull. We appreciate the time, commitment and care they give both on a Sunday and during the week in a wider range of ways.
We want to keep everyone safe and have created a safeguarding policy which guides our practice.
The information contained in this policy aims to give confidence to everyone working with children, young people and vulnerable adults in Jubilee Church and also to their parents and carers. It sets out the guidelines that should ensure the best possible standards of safety and protection for everyone.
Click here to view our Safeguarding Policy.
For more information
Should you have any further questions regarding safeguarding at Jubilee, please contact our Safeguarding Team using the following details:
Sue Wilson, Safeguarding Officer:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
Ellen Messingham, Deputy Safeguarding Officer:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
Advice regarding safeguarding can also be accessed by calling Thirty-One Eight on 03030031111. More information about the services Thirty-One Eight provide can be found by visiting their website (

I need help now
If a child or an adult is in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police.
If you have allegations or suspicions of abuse, these concerns should be reported as soon as possible by contacting Sue Wilson, Safeguarding Co-Ordinator on 07837177978.
In the absence of the Safeguarding Co-ordinator or, if the suspicions in any way involve the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, then the report should be made to Ellen Messingham (Deputy Safeguarding Co-Ordinator) on 07900192376.
If the suspicions implicate both the Safeguarding Co-ordinator and the deputy, then advice can be sought in the first instance from Thirtyone:eight, Telephone: 03030031111. It is likely that the advice of 31:8 will be to report the matter to your Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), Telephone 01482 790933, the police, Children’s Social Care or Adult Social Care, as appropriate.