Complaints Procedure
At Jubilee Church Hull we realise that we don't always get things right. In the event of mistakes being made, we really want to hear from you.
We value complaints, comments and suggestions and commit to treating content seriously and the person who makes them with respect and sympathy.
Complaints, comments and suggestions are valued because:
- We want a culture of accountability and transparency where everyone’s voice is important and valued.
- They give us a valuable insight for setting standards and monitoring quality.
- They provide us with an opportunity to put things right when we get things wrong.
- Gives chance for those within the organisation chance to learn and grow.
- Help us to make Jubilee Church Hull a better place for everyone.
Below is a summary of our Complaints Policy and the procedure for dealing with complaints. To access the full policy, please email
Our Commitments
We commit to:
- Providing a fair and easily understood procedure for dealing with complaints (covered in this policy).
- Ensuring that complaints are investigated fairly, promptly, and are resolved satisfactorily for all parties where possible.
- Ensuring that no person receives less favourable treatment based on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
- Publicising/ making known the existence of this policy, together with relevant contact details and procedural guidelines, and to ensure that all who are responsible for charity affairs understand what needs to be done should a complaint occur.
- Ensuring all complaint information is handled sensitively and confidentially and with due regard to data protection requirements.
Procedure for complaints
Most issues that may lead to a complaint can be resolved quickly and informally through discussion with the staff member involved or relevant team leader. involved. However, if this is not possible or does not resolve the problem you should initiate the formal procedure set out below.
Complete the complaints form found here and submit as detailed below. Alternatively you can collect a paper copy of this document by contacting the church office by calling 02482 328196.
General Complaints
General complaints should be made in first instance to the Leadership Team. This should be done to Dan Fryer, Lead Elder using the following contact details:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
If the complainant feels unable to raise the complaint with Dan Fryer or the complaint involves Dan Fryer then complaints should be directed to the Trustees via Chris Zanetti, Chair of Trustees using the following contact details:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
Safeguarding Complaints
Safeguarding complaints should be made in first instance to the Sue Wilson, Safeguarding Officer using the following contact details:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
If the complainant feels unable to raise the complaint with Sue Wilson or the complaint involves Sue Wilson then complaints should be directed to Ellen Messingham, Deputy Safeguarding Officer using the following contact details:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
More information regarding safeguarding can be found here.
Data Protection Complaints
If you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data has been processed, you should contact the Data Protection Lead using the following contact details:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
More information on how we use your data can be found here.
Fundraising Complaints
If you have dissatisfaction with any aspect of the church’s fundraising activities including the administrative practices or procedures, and any acts carried out by third party suppliers, then you are able to make a complaint to the trustees via Chris Zanetti, Chair of Trustees using the following contact details:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
What will I be asked?
Complainants will be recommended to put their complaint in writing so that a record in their own words can be kept. If a telephone or verbal complaint is received, the following will be recorded by the person receiving the complaint:
· Name of the person receiving the complaint.
· Name, address and contact details of the person making the complaint.
· The relationship between the complainant and the church.
· Facts of the complaint.
The person making the complaint will be told:
· That we have a procedure.
· What will happen next.
· How long it should take to deal with the complaint.
How we resolve complaints
Resolving a General Complaint
Any individual who is the subject of the complaint must be informed and given the opportunity to respond. If appropriate and with the complainant’s permission, opportunity may be given for the person subject to the complaint to hear the complaint directly from the complainant and have opportunity to understand and make apology where necessary. If it is not appropriate to meet with the complainant, the person who has received the complaint should meet the person who is the subject to the complaint and hear their response to the complaint.
A decision should be made about how to deal with the complaint and a report should be completed which should be sent to the trustees within one week of receiving the complaint.
The person making the complaint should receive a judgement or a progress report within 4 weeks, detailing action(s) taken in the investigation, any conclusion and action resulting.
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation or any actions taken during the process, then the complainant should escalate the complaint to the Trustees.
Resolving a Safeguarding Complaint
If the incident or concern involves criminal behaviour, then we will report this to the police. Where necessary, we will also refer to social services and report to other agencies (which may include Charities Commission if a serious incident has taken place).
If the above does not apply, the person who has received the complaint will investigate the complaint and make a decision on further action within 72 hours of receiving the complaint. This decision will be communicated to the Trustees.
Safeguarding decisions will not be made in isolation and advice from agencies such as Thirty-One Eight will be received.
The person making the original complaint will be informed if other agencies are involved.
At the end of the process, where appropriate, the complainant will be informed of decisions made.
Resolving a Data Protection Complaint
The Data Protection Lead will review the complaint and a decision should be made about how to deal with the complaint and a report should be completed which should be sent to the trustees within one week of receiving the complaint.
The person making the complaint should receive a judgement or a progress report within 4 weeks, detailing action(s) taken in the investigation, any conclusion and action resulting.
Resolving a Fundraising Complaint
The complaint will be reviewed by the Trustees and a decision should be made about how to deal with the complaint and a report should be completed within 7 days.
The person making the complaint should receive a judgement or a progress report within 4 weeks, detailing action(s) taken in the investigation, any conclusion and action resulting.
What if I remain unhappy?
If you are unhappy with the actions taken, you are able to escalate the complaint to the Trustees at any point using the contact details below:
Address – Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Phone Number – 01482 328196
Email Address –
If you remain unhappy with how your complaint has been dealt with or the outcome then you should refer your complaint to the relevant organisation listed below:
General Complaint - Charities Commission (
Safeguarding Complaint - Thirty-One Eight (
Data Protection Complaint - Information Commissioner's Office (
Fundraising Complaint - Fundraising Regulator (