Join us this Sunday, 10.30am at Jubilee Central


Help support the work of Jubilee Church Hull


At Jubilee, we believe that giving financially is just one of the ways we worship God. We believe that it is God who gives us our talents, our possessions, our finances and our opportunities and therefore we look to honour Him with them.

Our desire to give is our of response to all God has given us and it is this that enables us to give generously, out of the realisation that God holds nothing back from us, even by giving His own son, Jesus.

So we invite you to join us as we worship God together through the use of our finance by giving joyfully, regularly and generously into the work of the church so we can make a greater impact in our city and around the world.

How To Give

You can give financially with cash on Sundays however we would encourage you to consider setting up a standing order to give a regular monthly gift. This really helps us plan and budget most effectively.

Please use the link below to give a monthly or a one off amount or use the bank details below:

Account Name: Jubilee Church Hull

Account Number: 20263209

Sort Code: 60-83-01

You can also give by texting 'JCHULL give' to 07380 307 800 to receive a text with giving instructions.

For further information on giving, please pick up a giving form from the 'Info Point' on Sundays.

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning giving, simply complete the form below and click the submit button to get in touch with us!